
Being a borough of New York City, Bronx is well-known as the third most densely populated county in the United States. It is located in the south of Westchester County. If you look around the city you will find ho the different areas of the city are connected through streets, alleys, and rivers. The Bronx River has divided the city into two kinds of sections: one is a hill area and another one is a flat area. In 1914, Bronx County is separated from New York City. The Bronx has a vast open space within it. It includes Woodlawn cemetery, Pelham Bay Park, New York Botanical Garden, Van Cortlandt park, etc. The whole infrastructure of the urban development is designed with curved streets, alleys, and sidewalks.

The Bronx

The Bronx was majorly a rural area, with small farms providing supplies to the city markets. It grew in a railroad suburb. In 1904, it was linked to Manhattan through railroads and the subway system. Quick transportation service brought fast population growth in the city. After world war 1, the city saw high urban growth. Extensions of the city subway contributed to the growth of the population of the city as a large number of immigrants came to the city at that time. This happened because of the major upsurge in residential construction. People from various cultures and ethnicity came to the city and settled down there. The groups include Irish Americans, Italian Americans, Jewish Americans, and so on. Along with these groups, people from French, Polish, German regions also came here.

How the City Plans and Constructions Contribute to the Infrastructure of the City

Later on, in the late 1980s, the city underwent certain significant developments. The first major development that took place was the “Ten-year Housing Plan”. The community members at that time planned and worked to implement affordable housing. This worked well for rebuilding the whole social, economic, and environmental infrastructure of the city. The city was revitalized in the 1990s after the previous decline. In 1997, the city was designated an All America City by the National Civic League for its comeback from the decline. In 2006, the city gradually transformed itself into a city with well-designed and properly-planned infrastructure. Several new building constructions took place in the city since the year 2002.

The Increased Demand for Concrete Contractors in the Bronx

From this time, the demand for concrete contractors in the Bronx increased rapidly. Miles of sidewalks were constructed across the city along with the building constructions. Between the year 2002and 2007, nearly thirty thousand new constructions took place. At the beginning of 2007, the total investment in new residential development was near about $965 Million. Also, the existing housing market in the areas went through the development process. The building constructions in Hunts Point, the Lower Concourse, and the adjacent areas in the Third Avenue Bridge were renovated. People over there hired contractors in Bronx for new constructions. Following these developments, new lines of sidewalks were also constructed. The property owners planned to build sidewalks to the exterior of the house. This time somehow can be considered as the beginning of the trend of inclusion of sidewalks inside the property premise.

The Street Structures and Highways of Bronx

If you look at the present-day street structures of the Bronx you will notice certain factors. The street structures in the West Bronx is mostly irregular. Like the city of Manhattan, the hill region of West Bronx has a freestyle street grid. And the streets in the comparatively flat East Bronx are regular. The borough has several highway connections passed through it. Most of them are limited-access highways. Some of the main highways are the Bronx River Parkway, the Cross Bronx Expressway, the Hutchinson River Parkway, the Bruckner Expressway, the New England Thruway, and so on. Professional contractors in Bronx are hired to construct these roads and alleys. Also, they build bridges and tunnels that connect the Bronx with other neighboring cities like Queens and Manhattan. The borough has bus routes and subway services that help in the transportation of the city.

City Island in the Bronx and Its Street Structures

Now, let’s talk about the beautiful City Island in the borough. The island is a nice place to visit if you are planning a tour of the Bronx. The city is well-designed with the perfect alignment of the sidewalks and the alleys. The roads are developed well. The history of this island traces back to 1614 when European settlement began with Adriaen Block’s claim of the land for the Dutch. If you walk through the residential streets of the island, you can enjoy the views of the bay. The streets have long, well-maintained sidewalks along the streets, built by the efficient sidewalk contractors in NYC.

The Streets and the Subway System in the Bronx

The sidewalk contractors in Bronx and NYC are also involved in the repair and maintenance task of the subway system in the city. The subway system in New York City and the Bronx has its long history behind the days. During the 1800s, the cities became more populated and the streets became congested with various kinds of vehicles including cars, horses, trollies, and so on. Therefore, the need for an alternative pathway grew. And consequently, the first underground railway station was built in New York City. Later, in the early 20th century, the authority developed plans for constructing subway systems. In 1904, the subway system was finally established. Soon, it became one of the fastest ways to get around New York City and the Bronx.

In the 1980s, the streets were far different from today’s conditions. The subways in the city were ill-famous for the filth and disturbing noises. The areas were covered with graffiti. Anti-social activities took place often. Due to such inconveniences, people used to avoid riding the subway. However, the situation became better later on. As the subway provides easy connectivity around the city, it helps those people to a great extent, who cannot afford the luxury of buying cars. People widely use the subways nowadays. Different employment opportunities are also coming up as through the subway people can easily go to the different parts of the cities within a very little amount of time. Also, the city authorities in Bronx and New York City planned to expand the tracks of the subway for a better and more helpful transportation service.

The Subway System in Bronx and NYC is Significant

The subway systems in New York City and the Bronx are of much significance. It not only connects the major areas of the cities with each other but also reduces the traffics on the highways and main roads. In today’s time, the subway system is considered one of the longest and most-used systems in the cities. The wide expansion of the subway is one of the main reasons behind this fact. The contractors in Bronx and NYC work efficiently to maintain the subways. They supervise and perform necessary repair tasks all the time. And, thus, today the subway system in New York City and Bronx is considered to be one of the best systems in the world.

The Sidewalks in Bronx

Well, all of the constructions including buildings, subway, and others require professional attention. But the sidewalks in the Bronx ask for a more efficient touch. The sidewalks contribute much to the street structure of the cities. The sidewalks inside the city connect the parks, neighborhoods, schools, colleges, workplaces. The government of NYC and Bronx works for the strategic growth and development of the city. For this, it is essential to pay attention to the sidewalk. And the government knows it well. Therefore, it hires proficient contractors to perform the installation and repair tasks. The government supervises the sidewalks personally and sends DOT violation notice if any discrepancy is found. It takes care of the appropriate mix of land uses, the built density location, and so on. The officials from the government look at the sidewalks from the perspective of the pedestrians. Thus, they try to find the possible issues that the pedestrians can face. Government is liable to observe every minute detail regarding the sidewalk. The details include how the sidewalks are used, how many people walk over them, and what is their walking experience.

Essential Details of the Sidewalks that the Government Observes

The government also pays attention to the design and structure of the adjacent properties. The structures that touch the edges of the sidewalks play a great role in the longevity of the sidewalk. If the building walls are not maintained properly, it may affect the sidewalks. The government ensures the protection of the structures in good condition. And also it works for the improvement of the ones that do not work well.

The Diverse Use of Sidewalk by the Pedestrians

Walking is a healthy, simple, and cost-effective mode of transport. Also, it is eco-friendly while the vehicles disturb the environment with pollutions. The government understands it well. And therefore, it takes care of the sidewalks, the track majorly used for walking. We all know that New York City and the Bronx are the places with long chains of sidewalks. And they are used vividly by the pedestrians for many purposes. Some use it for casual strolling, some take their pets on a short tour through the sidewalks and some enjoy jogging on the sidewalks in the early mornings. Considering the vast usage of the sidewalks by the people, the government often plans to improve the sidewalks. Skilled contractors and sidewalk planners are hired by the government to build up the perfect sidewalks. The professionals jot down the plans, develop strategies and finally implement them. They plan active designs to make the sidewalk experience better.

Better Sidewalk Experience for Better Living

A better sidewalk experience leads to a healthy urban environment. Also, it brings up healthy living. Walking keeps people healthy and active. Thus, the work productivity also increases. When people are healthy, they tend to be happy. And thus, they can keep themselves cheerful and productive throughout the day. The sidewalks must have the necessary connections. Only then the sidewalk experience will be better. And the pedestrians will be satisfied walking over the sidewalks. The designs made by the sidewalk planners guide the contractors in the Bronx to perform the task more effectively. However, the perfect design of the sidewalk is important to make the city perfectly walkable. The efficacy of the sidewalk deteriorates when the design is poor. So, the government focuses more on the sidewalk design rather than anything else.

Street Design Manual for Sidewalks in Bronx

DOT has issued the ‘Street Design Manual’ which has enough in it to build up the finest sidewalks in Bronx. It recommends the best measures to enhance the performance of the sidewalks in the borough. The measures largely include using high-class materials for sidewalk construction in Bronx; highlighting the bus stops, bicycle stands, resting benches; improving the sewerage system of the sidewalks to prevent rainwater clogging. Recently, the sidewalks in Bronx are decorated with long bicycle lanes, new plaza spaces. These make the sidewalks attractive and useful at once. The Government also takes essential initiatives to make the sidewalks in Bronx safe for children, old people, and other pedestrians. It invites professional sidewalk planners, architects with innovative ideas, and efficient developers to design sidewalks promoting safe, convenient, and active living.

Hire the Professionals

The government is perfectly doing its job of maintaining the sidewalks. But being a responsible property owner in the Bronx, you must also do your part regarding the sidewalk tasks. The initial responsibility of repairing and maintaining the sidewalks lies upon the property owners. If they fail to perform the tasks, the government sends a violation notice. The task is then performed afterward by the sidewalk contractors in Bronx.

Call for Action

Looking for the best sidewalk contractor in Bronx? We are here at your service. Contractors In Sidewalk and Violation Removal offers sidewalk repair, sidewalk installation, sidewalk replacement, and other sidewalk services. Give us a call anytime!